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    Select the  EXTERNAL PROTOCOLS submenu.   This option allows
    you  to interface up to fifteen  external protocols for your
    users to  use,  in addition   to the six that are  built-in.
    When  a user selects to  upload  or download a file,  he/she
    is presented  with   a hard-coded   menu    that  lists  the
    available    protocols, including   your   external   ones.
    The  NAME  field  is  the  protocol  name that the user sees
    in  this menu.    The KEY    is the    keypress that  should
    activate  the protocol.  Note  that  the KEY must be unique.
    In other words, since [Z]modem is  an internal protocol, you
    can't use [Z] to activate an external protocol.

    Before  RemoteAccess  activates the  external  protocol,  it
    creates  a control file that tells the protocol which  files
    to  send  or receive.  This file consists  of  some  general
    information  and  a list of files,  one per  line.  You  may
    define  exactly  what each line looks like.  If  you  select
    EXTENDED  CONTROL  FILE,  then RemoteAccess will  write  the
    information  needed by Opus-compatible external protocols at
    the  beginning of the file  before the file  list. Check the
    documentation  for each  protocol you  install to  determine
    whether it is "Opus compatible".

    If  the protocol has the capability to send or receive  more
    than one file at a time, set BATCH AVAILABLE to "Yes".

    You may temporarily disable the current protocol by  setting
    its  status to DISABLED,  re-enabling it later by setting it
    to ENABLED.

    The LOG FILE NAME is the full path and name of the log  file
    that  the  external  protocol  writes.  This  file  contains
    information about what files were actually sent or received.
    Without  this information,  RemoteAccess will not be able to
    update the  user's record. Most protocols  have the facility
    to  create a  log of  the files  that were actually  sent or
    received; if the protocol you are  installing doesn't, it is
    advisable not to use it.

    The  CONTROL  FILE  NAME is the full path and  name  of  the
    control file that RemoteAccess creates before activating the
    protocol.  In  order to allow the use of as  many  different
    protocols as possible, you have full control over the format
    of  this file.  The DOWNLOAD CONTROL STRING determaines  the
    format  of  each file entry.  Inserting a "@" in the  string
    substitutes that position with the file name.  For  example,
    if   you     wanted     to     download     the   file
    C:\FILES\IBM\FUN\CASINO.ZIP  using  an  Opus  type  external
    protocol, you would set the control file string to:

       Send @

    When the control file is created, this would be expanded to:


    If  the user were to select a batch download,  say  RA*.ZIP,
    the  wildcard/pattern  match is expanded to a full  list  of
    fully qualified path and file names.

    The  UPLOAD  CONTROL STRING works in exactly the  same  way,
    except  that  for batch uploads,  instead of specifying  the
    full file name,  it substitutes just the path to the  upload
    directory,  as  the  filenames  are not known prior  to  the

    UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD COMMAND LINE tells RemoteAccess what program
    name to execute in order to activate the external  protocol.
    It  is  possible to insert variables into the  command  line
    using special control characters. For example, the string:

       PROTNAME.EXE Send *B

    would be expanded to:

       PROTNAME.EXE Send 2400

    For  a  full  list of special control codes,  refer  to  the
    description  of a Type 7 menu command in the  MENU  COMMANDS
    section.  In  addition to these codes,  the # symbol can  be
    used  if  the  filename  to  send or  receive  needs  to  be
    specified on the command line.

    When  the  external  protocol has finished  and  control  is
    returned  to RemoteAccess,  the log file that was created is
    scanned to extract information about what files were sent or
    received.  RemoteAccess  scans  the file for the  UPLOAD  or
    DOWNLOAD LOG KEYWORD. As soon as it finds that word, it will
    scan  forward x number of words to get the name of the  file
    transferred and a description,  if available.  To illustrate
    how this works, look at this extract from a BiModem log:


    The  DOWNLOAD  LOG KEYWORD can be any word in the  log  file
    that  indicates the transfer of a single file.  The  keyword
    would  be  set  to "DL-B",  and the NAME WORD #  set  to  1.
    RemoteAccess  scans the above entries until it hits  "DL-B",
    and then counts forward 1 word to get the file name. Uploads
    work in the same way, but a description word number may also
    be specified,  as some protocols get file descriptions  from
    the user directly. If RemoteAccess finds a description it is
    appended  to  the end of the FILES.BBS file,  otherwise  the
    user is prompted for the description.

    Example : Installing Lynx as an external protocol

    Select  an  empty  protocol slot,  and enter  the  following

       Name                    : Lynx
       Key                     : L
       Extended control file   : No
       Batch available         : Yes
       Status                  : Enabled
       Log file name           : C:\Ra\Dszlog.Txt
       Control file name       : C:\Ra\Lynx.Ctl
       Download command line   : Lynx.Exe S /*P /*B /S /H @Lynx.Ctl
       Upload command line     : Lynx.Exe R /*P /*B /S /D /H #
       Download ctl string     : @
       Upload ctl string       :
       Download log keyword    : x
       Upload log keyword      : X
       Log : Name word #       : 10
       Log : Desc word #       : 0

    (Note  the  case  of  the upload and  download  log  keyword

    The  above  example assumes that your  system  directory  is
    C:\RA.  To complete the installation, you'll need to set the
    DSZLOG environment variable to the full path and name of the
    log file that Lynx writes:

      SET DSZLOG=C:\Ra\Dszlog.Txt                                                                            .

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson